Volunteer Accreditation
Below are the league’s minimum accreditation requirements for each junior footy volunteer for season 2023. As soon as the minimum accreditation requirements for season 2023 are finalised by the league, we’ll post them.
Season Club Sponsor
For each team, the key volunteer roles requiring accreditations are: (a) team manager, (b) coach, (c) assistant coach, (d) trainer, (e) runner, (f) umpire, (g) umpire escort, (h) goal umpire, (i) boundary umpire, (j) water carrier, (k) timekeeper
For junior footy officials, the key volunteer roles requiring accreditations are committee members, including the child safety officer.
If you’re assigned a volunteer role in junior footy which requires a qualification, certificate or licence (accreditation) and you’ve not obtained that accreditation, you can’t work in that role until you’ve obtained the accreditation and registered as a volunteer on PlayHQ
Once the accreditation expires, you can’t continue to work in that role until you’ve re-accredited.
It’s an offence for you to work in the role and for the club to permit you to work in the role without a WWCC. Apply for your WWCC here before you register as a volunteer on PlayHQ
Working with childrens check (WWCC)
All junior footy officials and volunteers aged 18 years old and over are required to obtain a WWCC. To obtain a WWCC, click here and follow the instructions. Obtaining a WWCC is free for volunteers. In completing the online form, note the following:
Organisation details
SMJFL South Melbourne
PO Box 3 Moorabbin Victoria 3189
Phone 9553 5985
Occupational field
• 42 Clubs, associations or movements of a cultural, recreational or sporting nature
• 70 Clubs / associations / movements of recreational / sporting nature - high child participation
If you’ve applied for a WWCC, you’ll either be issued a WWCC or issued a negative notice or interim negative notice. If you’ve been issued a negative notice or interim negative notice, we’ll contact you to advise whether or not you’re required to cease working in the volunteer role and not work with children. If you have any questions or concerns about the outcome of the advice, you’ll need to contact the Department of Justice.
Once successfully completed, you’ll be issued a card. Please upload the card details, including card number and expiry date to PlayHQ.
WWCC is valid for 5 years, except if the check is suspended, cancelled or surrendered.
The WWCC website specifies exemptions, including VIT registered teachers, police officers and anyone under the age of 18. However, the league’s determined that the only exemption that applies is anyone under the age of 18 - and all other individuals who fall under any other exemption must still obtain a WWCC in order to work in their volunteer role. The league’s taken this position for accountability and control of accreditations and their status and validity, and in order to maximise the safety and protection of children who play footy in the league.
Committee accreditations
Child Protection Training
All committee members, including the child safety officer, are required to complete child protection training. To complete the child protection training, click here and follow the prompts.
Once successfully completed, you’ll be issued a certificate. This should be sent to volunteers.juniorfooty@smdsc.com.au
Child protection training is valid for 2 years.
Trainer accreditations
First aid and CPR training
All trainers are required to complete first aid training (HLTAID003) and CPR training (HLTAID001). First aid training comprises basic life support, DRSABCD, asthma management, anaphylaxis management and soft tissue injuries. CPR comprises basic life support and DRSABCD.
The club’s preferred training provider is Colbrow Medics, and arranges Colbrow Medics to provide training sessions at the start of each season. Please contact me about the training sessions provided by Colbrow Medics or arrange to undertake your own training sessions independently, and the club will reimburse you for the cost. To access training sessions provided by Colbrow Medics, click here.
Once successfully completed, you’ll be issued a certificate.
First aid training (HLTAID003) is valid for 3 years and CPR training (HLTAID001) must be refreshed every year.
Trainers may hold qualifications that are higher than the minimum accreditations specified above. Medical practitioners can be a trainer, provided they are in a current clinical practice and registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). If a trainer meets this criteria, they must upload their AHPRA registration to EverProof. The level 1 sports trainer course counts as equivalent for certain requirements.
If a trainer has qualifications that are not specified above and which they believe are higher than the minimum accreditations specified above, please contact me and we’ll consider it on a case-by-case basis.
Emergency response coordinator (ERC) training
All trainers for U13+ teams are required to complete ERC training. ERC training is endorsed by the AFL and aims to equip trainers to competently manage acute on-field emergencies. ERC training comprises emergency planning, emergency response priorities and on-field assessment of injuries, concussion management, on-field communication and transporting injured participants.
The club’s preferred training provider is Colbrow Medics, and arranges Colbrow Medics to provide training sessions at the start of each season. Please contact me about the training sessions provided by Colbrow Medics or arrange to undertake your own training sessions independently, and the club will reimburse you for the cost. To access training sessions provided by Colbrow Medics, click here.
Once successfully completed, you’ll be issued a certificate.
ERC training is valid for 3 years, provided you maintain 10 hours on-field as a trainer each season.
Coach accreditations
All junior coaches (U8 – U12) and assistant coaches (U11 & U12) are required to obtain the junior foundation (or level 1) coaching accreditation. All youth coaches (U13+) and assistant coaches (U13s+) are required to obtain the youth foundation (or level 1) coaching accreditation.
A reminder for your club coaches to please register on Play HQ - the same email address that they used on Coach AFL is required so the two profiles and accreditation details match.
Register with PLAY HQ. https://www.playhq.com/afl
Complete your mandatory AFL VIC Coach Accreditation. https://www.aflvic.com.au/participate/coaching .
Note - All Coaches must update their AFL Vic Profile when doing your accreditation.
Reminder that all Coaches are required to obtain a Working with Children Check or if you have it already, check expiry date. https://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/
Coaching accreditations must be renewed annually.
Umpire accreditations
All club umpires for modified rules matches (U8, U9, U10 (mixed) and U10, U12 (girls)) are required to obtain the league’s umpiring accreditation.
To complete or renew umpiring accreditations, click here and follow the prompts.
Once successfully completed, you’ll be issued a certificate. Please send this to volunteers.juniorfooty@smdsc.com.au
Umpiring accreditations must be renewed annually.
If you have any questions, queries or concerns about the volunteer accreditation process or ideas, comments or feedback on improving the process, please contact me.
Lisa Pedretti
E: volunteers.juniorfooty@smdsc.com.au